Sunday, 17 March 2013

A Wondrous Birthday ...

Can it really have been a year already? 
and on the other hand...
 Has it really only been 1 year?

Today marks "A Woman who Likes to Wonder's" Birthday.... 
1 Full year of Blogging.... WOW!

76 posts, a few trusty and often quiet followers, most posts get read... by a few people :)
(Hey maybe you can give me a Birthday Present by hitting Follow over there on the right!)

I started this a year ago, with the aim to record some ideas, some thought processes, share some concepts and challenge myself to improve my writing.

What I was unprepared for was how cathartic it would be. A place to write down the continual trails of thought. Instead of letting them continue to circle in my mind, recording them here often allows me to let them go, release them.

It's become a place for me to use the thousands of photos that I enjoy taking. To share the way I see the world. 

Looking back over my year was quite an experience for me. What a delicious record of our world, our life and the experiences we share as a family. Little did I realise I was marking down and creating such a record, a memento. I love revisiting these experiences, as do the kids. They often want to sit and look through all the photos saying "what story were you telling here? was it about..." I great place to re-visit and reflect on our experiences.

The year ahead... is going to be pretty hectic and unfortunately I don't know how many spare moments I will be able to set aside for this space. I will when I can and I will then be back as my workload subsides. At the very least there will be portraits :)


May we all continue to Wonder 
and allow it to enrich our lives with
 learning, curiosity and reflection.


  1. Happy Birthday blog, I shall eat cake in your honor

  2. Happy Birthday Blog; love reading you so THANKS for YOU

  3. Happpeeeeee Blog Birthday Soph - yes it is all of the above and more - xxooxx - Mummmm
