Saturday, 16 March 2013


"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2013"

Matilda: This week, for the first time, Matilda has been feeling sad when I leave. This night, as I went for dinner, these sorrowful eyes watched me go. I think our new routine is taking a little getting used to...

Orlando: A highlight of every year for Orlando is the Balloon Spectacular. This year we watched 29 balloons take off at dawn, the extra exciting Darth Vader Balloon was highly anticipated and greatly enjoyed.

                                                                               Joining in with Jodi 

A few extra shots from our early morning adventure :)


  1. xxooxx great photos again Soph - love the realness of the beautiful beings you are potraying in these pics xxooxx

  2. soph, that last photo of your son looking back at the air balloons is really beautiful :)

  3. SO glad to find your blog via Jodi's and excited to be a new follower too. I love, love, love hot air balloons, and that photo of your son is all kinds of lovely! x

  4. Just spotted your photo of Orlando via Che and Fidel. Caught my eye, wonderful photo. x

  5. Beautiful shots! I love the first photos...those sad eyes must kill you. And the balloons are great. :)

  6. my favourite photograph this week x
