A Friday reflection of the week that has been, my head space and my "into the weekend" thoughts. So here goes!
Nourishing - with soups, stews and curries - winter comfort.
Wondering - how Tilly grew up so fast. All of the sudden she is taller, more mature, acting like a 5 year old! She want to read, write, draw and make her own lunches and breakfasts. Miss Independence has arrived.
Playing - with Zentangles - post to come :)
Creating - new spaces in our garden, out with the old, re-vision the new.
Nurturing - my bond with the kids. Lots of late works days and away trips means the time I am here needs to be present and focused, with them.
Growing - seedlings, time to start thinking about the spring!
Listening - to lots of people playing guitar, and feeling just how far I have to go on my learning curve.
Preparing - for camps at school, 2 coming up in the next few weeks!
Inspired by Steph over at this brown wren
:) I ditto that with my harp - inspired albeit aware how far there is to go. RHS of the brain work assures us that playing in our minds regularly is very good for technique :)