Matilda: She has decided that it is time to learn how to read and write. I thought we would wait until she started Kindy next year, but the questions are coming thick and fast. So I guess now is the time. We are answering her questions and supporting her with information when she requests it. Orlando is LOVING being her one-on-one tutor. She is soaking it all in like a sponge that has been waiting for the good stuff. Round 2... here we come!
Orlando: His physical confidence is taking leaps and bounds. He is challenging himself to go places he would have previously shied away from. Rocks and trees are his climbing frame of choice. He declares "I think my boots would let me climb anything, they are great!" I reminded him that although his boots are great it is HIM doing the climbing, not his boots :)
Pair: Taking in the grand-ness of the beautiful rock we chose for our morning tea. Nothing makes you feel quite as tiny, than the giant-ness of the natural world.
Joining with Jodi
Wonderful descriptions to your photos this week Soph - appreciative of your inclusive parenting both of you xxoox