Friday, 16 May 2014


A Friday reflection of the week that has been, my head space and my "into the weekend" thoughts. So here goes! 

Wondering - how I can help a friend in need. Her hands are full and I want to help but time is what she needs and that is something I have trouble finding enough of.

Nourishing - with dumplings! A new found easy cook. I love meals that I can cook up a big batch and freeze. Dumplings work a treat!

Playing - with the idea of a kid free weekend with a few of my girl friends. 

Creating - special moments with both my babies. Time is moving quickly and when I'm away a lot, the special moments and individual time is extra important.

Nurturing - my big toe :( I dropped a iron pole on it a week ago and it is still hurting...

Growing - into a bit of a sissy when it comes to the cold! I am never usually thrown by cold (known for sandals in snow) but this year I am grabbing for the down jacket! 

Listening - to songs with really beautiful guitar in them and wishing I could wave a magic wand and be that good.

Preparing - for another Camp! 

Inspired by Steph over at this brown wren

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