Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Visiting Grandma

My Mum lives in a beautiful place. For us, it is close to a 6 hr drive which is a little too far to visit as regularly as we would like.

We seized the opportunity school holidays provided and went for a visit.

We moved slowly, as holidays should. We walked in the rain, made boats in streams, picked and ate more citrus than the buckets could hold, explored finding fungus and pondering how cow pats have patterns, maybe even searching for a remaining blackberry. I knitted. took MANY photos and played guitar, the fire was on and although it was drizzly outside, inside was always warm and toasty.

Orlando and Matilda love going to visit their Grandma and Pah Pah. Orlando said "I'm excited about Grandma's because we can just stay at home and do all the things that make life fun"

We really should put the effort in to go more frequently...

1 comment:

  1. I'll ditto that Soph! Also the time is approaching that I can pick them up and bring them down for a week in the holidays if you are busy! I love your photos, you have a gift that is a mixture of people skills, special awareness and timing that gets your wonderful shots - thank you!!!!!
