Friday, 25 April 2014


A Friday reflection of the week that has been, my head space and my "into the weekend" thoughts. So here goes! 

Wondering - if there is an autumn colour more beautiful than the Chinese pistachio tree.

Nourishing - our souls and spirits, sitting on the beach in the evenings as the sun sets, playing, exploring and just being.

Playing - in our new canoe... new skills to learn, new types of adventures to experience.

Creating - a Rock and Gem birthday party for my nearly 7 year old man. 

Nurturing - our family bond. Time focused on the company of those closest to us is at times the most important of all.

Growing - flower seedlings to brighten up the garden come winter

Listening - to Eddie Vedder and Tracy Chapman 

Preparing - to go back to work. The holidays have gone so fast, I could have done with at least twice as long!

Inspired by Steph over at this brown wren

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