Friday, 10 January 2014


Steph over at this brown wren wrote a simple but lovely post about reflection. Reflection is something I do a lot of so I was inspired. I am going to aim to make this another regular. A Friday reflection of the week that has been, my head space and my "into the weekend" thoughts. So here goes! 

Thanks Steph! 

Connecting - With friends, after the hectic last year it is nice to touch base and reconnect with my social treasures.

Nourishing - I have re-found my kitchen and am LOVING cooking again, this week quiches, lots of salads and lasagna.

Playing - Lego, apparently my job is to find the pieces while Orlando does the constructing.

Creating - I'm trying my hand at Needle Felting... post to come soon.

Nurturing - My sourdough starter, it is time to make bread again.

Growing - Tomatoes, first one ripe today! DELICIOUS!

Listening - To the soundtrack of suburbia and noting how different it is from the constant crashing of waves.

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