"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."
Matilda: In a new phase of creativity... dramatic play, close to the well used easel, wearing her latest bead creation.
Orlando: (Couldn't decide this week so used 2! ) His whole world at the moment is about Gems and Fossils. This week he went on a fossil hunt at a specially selected site and found HEAPS! Winter has also re-hit, enough to wear ski pants to school with his trusty walking boots (which he has figured out how to tie!)
It is interesting, the last few weeks I have been struggling to find photos of Orlando, he is at school so much and I am away on the weekends so we have little photo opportunity. This week I could have put up 10 for Ollie. Tilly on the other hand has started pulling faces at the camera so may be slim picking for her in the next few weeks...
It is an interesting project to take weekly photos . . . I really look forward to the end of the year when I look at the 52 of them in sequence.