Monday, 22 July 2013


"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2013."

Matilda: Connecting with Nature... It's taken her a little while longer than her brother but that connection is definitely growing. You can see it in her touch.

Orlando: Fascinated with gems and minerals... a special school holiday excursion to Geo-Science Australia... He brings his book and happily looks gems up in the index to read all about them. I got a delightful shock the other morning as he wakes up and says "I was reading my Gem book last night in bed and I looked 'fools gold' up in the index and is said 'pyrite' but it didn't give me a number..."... You did what??? 


  1. love it ! it is interest that motivates learning, hey!

  2. that tree looks so other worldly; and that gem does look absolutely fascinating. lovely portraits x
