We decided to invest in just a few really nice things that were open ended enough to satisfy her for a number of years. She adores Fairies, so we went with a beautiful felt playscape and some needle-felted fairies. Orlando choose a felted mermaid and an apple 'house' with hedgehogs inside. So among a few other books, shoes, puzzle etc it was a very 'felty' birthday!
Now that Matilda is 3 we have noticed she:
- Is toilet trained - day and night
- Is rather chatty and enjoys re-telling events and stories
- Gets herself dressed most of the time
- Is very eager to label people that are and are not her friends
- Can easily establish who is going to be more lenient toward her every whim
- Knows how to push her brothers buttons perfectly
- Is kind and developing a deep sense of empathy
- Asks questions about the world and is keen to understand how it works
- Loves drawing and painting and talking about what she is creating
- Is patient and will wait when needed
- Adores a cuddle
Tillies Birthday Activity of choice was Swimming with Friends :) |
- Loves swimming and looking under the water
- Has a great sense of humour
- Has a calm a peace that is very settling
- is very excited about starting Preschool in January!
What will our year ahead hold! I adore watching you grow and develop little lady xoxoxoxox
I am laughing with love at reading about our Tillie's three ness - thankyou SOph a beautiful rendition!